BY ERIM Hair Oil – Is it worth it?

Over the past year, I have seen so much about BY ERIM hair oil, launched by the lovely @erimstagram and I was so intrigued as it was advertised as non-oily and life-changing. What made the oil more appealing is it is cruelty-free and vegan!! I didn't really believe and oil could be non-sticky but after... Continue Reading →

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2023; the year we grieve collectively

To say that this new years feels like no other would be an understatement. My heart is heavy. Whilst people around the world celebrate and enjoy the sky being lit up with fireworks, so many spend another night with the sky lit up with bombs. They spend their night not knowing if they’ll wake up... Continue Reading →

Ask yourself why?

Too often we just do; we don’t really spend time reflecting on our intentions, on our motivators and ultimately on our why? Instead, we go with the flow and don’t really give ourselves time to reflect on why we felt a certain type of way or how something may have fit into or changed your... Continue Reading →

I just can’t

Stop telling yourself you can’t and start believing you can. I know it sounds cliche but let’s be honest your mindset is everything. Your thoughts are the loudest voice you hear and they cultivate your entire life. From the way you feel, to your motivation, to your actions. If you want something enough you need... Continue Reading →

Your feelings are valid

You’ve probably read 100 quotes, maybe your friends have told you how your feelings are valid as are your needs but somehow you still feel the same. You still fall into the trap of thinking someone’s got it worse like that makes a difference. But to you it always will because it signals that you’re... Continue Reading →

Cultivating The Life You Want To Life

In the digital world that we live in selecting preferences and optimising has become a normal way of living. Inevitably this has changed the way we live in many respects and more importantly the way we think. For me personally my day to day life is measured by various things from how long I slept... Continue Reading →

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